
TICEL serves as a core of the educational activities in Israel in the field of Internal Combustion Engines by providing laboratory support to all educational efforts in this area at undergraduate and graduate levels. TICEL mission in the framework of the Technion’s Mechanical Engineering teaching program is to promote students’ education in Automotive Engineering at both undergraduate and graduate levels:

    • ​To educate highly qualified BSc mechanical engineers for Israeli economy that will work in the field of UAV and automotive propulsion systems.
    • To educate MSc and PhD engineers to be employed in research and development of advanced propulsion systems for Israeli industries and academy.
  • To improve and upgrade qualification of engineers employed in the field of propulsion systems in accordance with the latest developments and trends.

The following undergraduate courses are taught at the Technion’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the field of internal combustion engines and propulsion systems:

  • ​Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines (035146).
  • Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory (034411).
  • Advanced Energy Laboratory (034410).
  • Senior student projects (engineering and research final projects).

To provide educational infrastructure for specialization of our students in the automotive and propulsion systems engineering, the following graduate level courses are suggested:

  • ​Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals (036082).
  • Advanced automotive propulsion systems (036080).
  • Control of vehicle emissions (036079).
  • Vehicle control (036094).
  • Laboratory on advanced propulsion systems (036078).


FORMULA students groupTICEL provides an academic support to the Technion’s SAE Formula-Student Program.
Formula Technion website